Monday, September 23, 2013

The Race Card Project– Productive or Reductive?


The Race Card Project opens up a unique manner of discussion on the subject of racial relations. TRCP allows writers–disclosed or revealed– to create a "race card", a 6 word entry describing their feeling or experience with racism throughout their life and community. The format allows writers and readers to get to the point without any fluff that might come with an argument on race, which is an effective benefit to this project. This project allows ideas to be spread and discussed that would not have been discussed formally before, and opens up a discussion in a typically more formal and respectful manner than the typical blog commenters are. Although there will always be trolls, the environment on TRCP seems to be more mature and professional, which was its intended purpose. I think that The Race Card Project is a great idea and that it could even be expanded more by created physical walls in public downtown areas where the cards would be printed off and posted and also allow the average passerby to write their own card. I think moving TRCP from the virtual world to the physical would double as an effective discussion on race and also as an attractive mural or piece of artwork.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like the idea of bringing it out from behind a website is a great idea because it forces the issue to not be ignored. One idea I think is that the Project should go on tour and perform a little something. Michigan University could be a jumping off point for many other colleges to join in and bring the project to their campuses. Ultimately, do you feel that there is something to gain from viewing the site in person? How would people respond to it. Remember that because the original goal of the site was to being conversation what would this physical have to incorporate in order to get people's mouths moving?

  3. You believe that the site is effective in providing a place for discussion and you mention how the discussion is formal, mature and professional. I personally did not see that. I saw the discussion as scattered and at times unrelated to the topic at hand. I do like your idea of taking the virtual card and making it physical. With that, more people would know about the site and the ideas that are being expressed. However, people, who do not understand the project, may take offense to it. How do you prevent that?
